Carrying 459 people, of whom 368 people had been rescued
The ship has a capacity of about 900 people, an overall length of 146 metres (480 feet) and it weighs 6,586 gross tonnes. Shipping records show it was built in Japan in 1994.
South Korea , Almost 300 people
were missing after a ferry sank off South Korea on Wednesday, the coastguard
said, in what could be the country's biggest peacetime disaster in nearly 20
The ferry was carrying 459 people,
of whom 164 were rescued, coastguard officials said. Two people were confirmed
dead after the ferry listed heavily onto its side and capsized in apparently
calm conditions off South Korea's southwest coast. The Ministry of Security and
Public Administration had earlier reported that 368 people had been rescued and
that about 100 were missing.But it later described those figures as a
miscalculation, turning what had first appeared to be a largely successful
rescue operation into potentially a major disaster.The cause of the disaster
was not immediately clear although some survivors reported that the ship
appeared to have been involved in some sort of impact.

So sad
जवाब देंहटाएंएक टिप्पणी भेजें