missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
Perth: Up to 12 aircraft and 15 ships will assist in Monday's search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, the Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) said in its latest update Today.
"There have been no confirmed acoustic detections over the past 24 hours," Xinhua quoted the agency as saying in a media release.
Eleven military aircraft, one civil aircraft and 15 ships will assist in Monday's search.
According to the JACC's arrangements, Australian defence vessel Ocean Shield continues more focused sweeps with the Towed Pinger Locator to try and locate further signals related to aircraft black boxes. The Orions continue their acoustic search, working in conjunction with Ocean Shield. The oceanographic ship HMS Echo is also working in the area with Ocean Shield. In addition, the weather forecast for the day is south easterly winds with possible showers, sea swells up to 1.5 metres and visibility of three to five km.The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has planned a visual search area totaling approximately 47,644 sq km Monday. The centre of the search area lies approximately 2,200 km northwest of Perth.
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