New Delhi, Congress today backed party vice president Rahul Gandhi calling him the “fittest” leader for every responsibility, amid a lookout for its leader in the Lok Sabha.“He (Rahul) is the fittest leader for every responsibility which the party or the country will assign him,” party general secretary Shakeel Ahmed said.
As the blame-game continued in the party over
its worst poll drubbing, Ahmed rejected contentions that party leaders are
questioning the leadership of the Congress vice president.“There is no attack
on Rahul Gandhi by any Congress leader. It is your
imagination. It is not an attack on him,” Ahmed said when asked about party
leader Milind Deora’s remarks about the reasons for party’s failure in the just
concluded Lok Sabha polls.
Deora had said that Rahul Gandhi‘s
advisers did not have their “ears to the ground” and those with “no electoral
experience were calling the shots”, and added that “the people who take the
advice also have to bear responsibility”.Ahmed said the Congress President as
well as its Vice President have publicly accepted their responsibility.“Even in
Congress Working Committee, both of them offered their resignation, which we
rejected unanimously. When Rahul has already accepted responsibility, I do not
think any further discussion is needed,” he said.
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