New Delhi,The Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has sought minimum use of
affidavits and shift to self-certification, so as to benefit the common man.
In a citizen-friendly initiative, all Ministries and Departments of the Union
Government, and all State Governments, have been asked to make provision for
self-certification of documents in place of affidavits. The requirement of attestation by Gazetted Officer is also sought to be replaced
by self-certification by the citizen. Under the self-certification method, the original documents are required to be
produced at the final stage.
The Prime Minister, during his meeting with all Union Secretaries on June 4th,
2014, had spoken of reforming the public service delivery system, and bridging
the governance deficit. This measure is a start in that direction. It is
expected to benefit the people immensely, as all affidavits not required by law
shall eventually be done away with.
In communications addressed to all Secretaries of the Union Government as well
as the Chief Secretaries of States/Administrators of Union Territories, the
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances has noted that
“obtaining either an attested copy or affidavit not only costs money to the
poor citizen but also involves wastage of time of the citizens as well as of
the Government officials.” The Department has called for a review of the
existing requirement of affidavits and attestation by Gazetted Officers, and
replacement by self-certification. n case of false self-certification, relevant provisions under the Indian Penal
Code would apply
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