Jaipur, Chief Minister Smt. Vasundhara Raje has said that the state government is looking at working in the areas of waste to wealth (recycling), heritage conservation, skill development and connectivity (highways) on priority basis with the help of Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Smt. Raje said energy and drinking water were also in the priority of the state government. We are willing to develop craft as an industry by involving master craftsmen and increasing employment opportunities in this sector, she said. She was hopeful that state shall get help from ADB in this direction.
The Chief Minister was discussing the current portfolio of ongoing projects in the state funded by ADB during a meeting with ADB President Shri Takehiko Nakao and other members of the delegation at CMO on Wednesday. 
Smt. Raje said Rajasthan is moving rapidly towards reforms. With the labour reforms and other policy reforms we have taken initiatives to create investment friendly atmosphere in the state, she said. Rajasthan has so much to offer and the state is emerging as the leading state in skill development sector, she added.
The Chief Minister appreciated the proactive support of ADB and the useful partnership with ADB in the amount of projects sanctioned. She also expected further cooperation and support from ADB in priority areas like heritage conservation, skill development, waste to wealth (recycling) and development of crafts as an industry.
ADB President Shri Takehiko Nakao had all praise for the labour and policy reforms initiated by the state. He said Rajasthan has lot of opportunities and possibilities to offer. Its overall performance is also better and is a good example for other states, he said. He said increase in ADB lending to India will benefit Rajasthan also. Shri Nakao shared memories about his visit to historical places and heritage sites of Rajasthan and said this visit gave him a chance to know more about the rich Indian history.
In the beginning Chief Secretary Shri C. S. Rajan welcomed the ADB President and other members of the delegation and divulged details about the ongoing projects funded by ADB and the proposed projects.  
UDH Minister Shri Rajpal Singh Shekhawat, PWD Minister Shri Younus Khan, ACS UDH Shri Ashok Jain, CMD Jaipur Metro Shri N. C. Goyal, Principal Secretary Finance Shri P. S. Mehra, Principal Secretary Tourism Shri Shalendra Agarwal, Executive Director, ADB Shri Umesh Kumar Mishra, senior officials of the state government and members of the ADB delegation were present in the meeting.   

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