Gurugaon, Gurgaon Gaon located in Old Gurgaon just off Railway
Road, , is taking much-needed steps in addressing the needs of Mental
Illness. Resembling a semi-urban village, Gurgaon Gaon has a population of about 40,000 and based on
national averages it is estimated that more than 1,000 residents suffer from
severe mental illness – schizophrenia, bi-polar and deep depression This
affects, apart from those with mental illness, their families and the whole
Suresh Pandey, a
resident of Gurgaon Gaon, has a son living with mental illness. Medical
treatment at the Civil Hospital helped stabilise the boy but the young man was
not getting back to a normal life.Suresh found Sambandh Health Foundation in
Sector 31, Gurgaon who are running a recovery program for those with mental
illness. Unfortunately sending the boy to the centre was a challenge. Public
transport was not convenient. Also an attendant was required to go with the
boy. So Suresh invited Sambandh to come to Gurgaon Gaon.
Sambandh Health
Foundation, the pioneering organisation in the field of mental health, will now
work with the community of Gurgaon Gaon in this area, bringing in their unique
and tested recovery model to the village.. Sambandh has launched their program
with an awareness program for the entire community apprising them that mental
illness is a disease like so many others and recovery from it is possible.
Subsequently, families will come participate in Self-help Group meetings, to
discuss matters and bring forward some of the mentally ill family members.
Sambandh will also work with those with mental illness and help them get back
to as normal a life as possible in the community.
Suresh said “we
are pleased that Sambandh is working here. It will provide relief to hundreds
of families and people with illness. My friends and I are working with the
community to make this project a success.
As per WHO “Mental disorders comprise a broad range of
problems, with different symptoms. However, they are generally characterized by
some combination of abnormal thoughts, emotions, behaviour and relationships
with others”.
About 10% of the Indian population is affected by mental
illness. This includes common mental disorders (CMD) like mild depression,
anxiety etc., and severe mental disorders (SMD) like schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder, anxiety disorder, OCD etc. 90%
of common mental disorders and 50% of the severe mental disorders are never treated
and not even diagnosed.
Nancy Beck, an international expert who has been working with
Sambandh for last six years said “It is important to know that mental illness
is treatable. Just like a chemical change in the pancreas causes diabetes, a
chemical change in the brain can cause mental illness. It can happen to anyone.
Though there is no cure for severe and chronic mental illness, the good news is
that Recovery is a huge possibility. With family & social supports and
Recovery services a person can get back to a natural life in the community.
She added that “The Sambandh model focuses on engaging the
person with mental illness in meaningful work and supporting them to be
included in the society with the same respect and dignity like anyone else. In the last few years Sambandh has worked with thousands of people to help them
understand and overcome mental illness”.
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