Jaipur,A Leader from Rajasthan BJP said that Congress is buying fake Facebook like for their official pages so that they can gain popularity in social media platform. A BJP Minister said that ‘likes’ on the Facebook page of “Rajasthan PCC” shot up to over 80,000 within 19 days and most of the ‘likes’ were from Istanbul in Turkey which indicates that it was fake.
“The page had 3,965 ‘likes’ from March 10 to March 16 which went up to 80,303 from April 7 to April 13. Presently, the page is getting 10,000 ‘likes’ per day. The page’s ‘most popular city’ feature showed that most of the followers were from Istanbul in Turkey,” said Arun Chaturvedi, Raj MoS for Social Justice and Empowerment.
“This is to mislead people and BJP would complaint to the Election Commission about it. PCC President Sachin Pilot has bought the fake ‘likes’ just like former Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot who had also bought fake ‘likes’ from the same city during Assembly elections last year,” he alleged.
एक टिप्पणी भेजें