Udaipur: In a disturbing incident, a security guard lost his life after being stuck between the door of the automatic lift and wall on Pratapnagar. The guard belonged to Ghata village of Bheem region.
Guard Naval Singh (45) son of Chhogh Singh was called on duty by the owner the home. He had a flowerpot in his hand when he reached the second floor. He began to come out of the lift with flowerpot and suddenly the doors of the lift closed leaving his leg stuck between the gap of lift and the wall. With its movement, lift dragged him more and more.SP Ajaypal Lamba reached the scene and the body of the guard was taken outside after the hard work of two and half hours.The relatives of Singh were immediately informed about the accident so that they could leave to reach the place.
Singh had been severely trapped and it was a critical job to take out his body out of the trap. Police used gas cutters to get rid of the base angel of the lift. It was expected that it will help in getting out the body but that didn’t happen. Then the lift was parted with the wall and the desired result was achieved.
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