Calcutta: Jagmohan Dalmiya, who once ruled world cricket, has been keeping a low profile in recent months. On Wednesday, however, Dalmiya was the first off the blocks in issuing a statement on a day of an absolutely stunning revelation in the Supreme Court.
That being: Narayanswamy
Srinivasan, effectively suspended as the Board of Control for Cricket in India
(BCCI) president, figures as the 13th and last name in the sealed envelope
given to the apex court by the Justice Mukul Mudgal IPL probe committee!Edition
No.7 of the IPL got underway on Wednesday, but the much bigger news came from
New Delhi, not Abu Dhabi.
Indeed, the mystery over why
the BCCI had, on March 6, pleaded with the Supreme Court not to divulge the
contents of the sealed envelope has been solved.
As a development, it’s
massive. Which is why Dalmiya said a lot, rather quickly, without mentioning
Srinivasan even once.The question is: Will others in the BCCI take the cue?“Expect
some developments in a couple of days... It’s no more a simple matter, as
Justice (Ananga Kumar) Patnaik has announced that there are 12 allegations
against Srinivasan...“Traditionally, a huge majority of the men in the BCCI are
followers, not leaders. But this is an unusual situation,” a well-placed source
told here.
Apparently, some have initiated a
move to “requisition” an emergent meeting of the working committee.Till late,
however, one wasn’t able to confirm that bit of news. Those wanting to
move against Srinivasan have to play their cards very smartly, for you can
never count him out till he’s on the mat.With the general elections keeping
Sharad Pawar busy, the focus will almost wholly be on Messrs Dalmiya and
Shashank Manohar, another former president of the BCCI.
It’s odd, of course, that
Shivlal Yadav, assigned by the apex court to carry out the non-IPL functions of
the BCCI president, continues to keep mum.The BCCI has until Tuesday to respond
to the Supreme Court.Meanwhile, petitioner Aditya Verma, who has almost turned
Indian cricket on its head, expressed “complete satisfaction” with the
observations made by the apex court.“There’s complete satisfaction from my
side... I’d never imagined I’d be able to take things to this level... Just
shows there’s God and he’s certainly kind,” Verma, secretary of the Cricket
Association of Bihar (which isn’t an affiliate of the BCCI), maintained.
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