New Delhi,The former Defence Minister Shri
Jaswant Singh was admitted to the Army (Research & Referral) Hospital in
New Delhi in a highly critical condition around 0100 hrs today with injury to
his head. The family members had brought him to the hospital after finding him
lying on the floor of the house in an unconscious state.
Examination at the hospital showed him to be
in coma, with signs of ‘raised intracranial tension and a haematoma scalp’.
Urgent CT scan of the head showed ‘an acute subdural haematoma with mass
effect, a midline shift and contusion of the brain substance’. A lifesaving ‘decompressive
hemicraniectomy’ was done.At present the condition is very critical. He
is on life support systems and under constant monitoring by a team of
neurosurgeons and critical care providers.
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