Jaipur,A girl child named Sunita, 6 years, who had fallen in an abandoned borewell in Village Burja Ki Dhani in Sikar District yesterday, was rescued today by the efforts of the Army, civil administration, NDRF and local population. The girl was taken out of the well at 3.28 pm today after an operation which continued for more than 24 hours. 
Assitance of the Army was requisitioned by DC Sikar and a team comprising Col Narendra Pal Arora, Maj Navin Mishra and five other persons was despatched to the site.  The team arrived at 2.40 pm commenced coordinating the efforts of all agencies involved and guided the rescue operation.
The rescue mission was difficult as no communication was possible with the child due to her being specially abled. Hence, digging of a parallel well became a necessity which prolonged the rescue efforts. The digging also proved to be  tough due to approximately 20 feet strata being extremely hard rock. The ceaseless effort of excavators, pneumatic drills and manual chiselling continued overnight. Actual difficulty commenced in the morning today when digging of a connecting tunnel was commenced in the hard rock.Naik Bala Krishnan showed great skills and resolve in achieving the target

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