Cosmic Cross forming in our sky

One-week Romantic Forecast! Make the most out of your love life
The Cosmic Story tells us there is a Cosmic Cross forming in our sky. Four archetypal Powers are taking their stand at the four corners of this cross. The cross stretches through the Cardinal signs of the zodiac: Uranus stands in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. These four signs also preside over the changing of the seasons: Vernal Equinox/Aries, Summer Solstice/Cancer, Autumn Equinox/Libra and Winter Solstice/Capricorn. That makes this a very dynamic cross. It calls for movement and change.
The Cosmic Cross creates a womb which includes the ongoing Uranus/Pluto s
quare. This is the 5th square in a highly unusual series of 7 squares -- 7 symbolizing an initiation into higher consciousness. That initiation completes next year.  Now we have to deal with the 5th square-- a crossroads that will determine the outcome of this cosmic challenge.  
We have four archetypal Powers channeling the energies of the 4 directions, grounding us in the here and now, providing a foundation for a new birth. Uranus, the rebel leader who connects us to our purpose. Jupiter, the lawgiver and storyteller who inspires us to have faith in our visions and gives us a mother’s love in our hearts. Mars, the defender, the great power of desire that helps us stand steady and reach out a hand to heal and help. Pluto, dark lord of the power of time, moving us forward by killing off what needs to die in order to survive. Powerful and perilous energies that need a human heart to channel them into life.
The Cosmic Story tells us there is a Cosmic Cross forming in our sky. Four archetypal Powers are taking their stand at the four corners of this cross. The cross stretches through the Cardinal signs of the zodiac: Uranus stands in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. These four signs also preside over the changing of the seasons: Vernal Equinox/Aries, Summer Solstice/Cancer, Autumn Equinox/Libra and Winter Solstice/Capricorn. That makes this a very dynamic cross. It calls for movement and change.
The Cosmic Cross creates a womb which includes the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square. This is the 5th square in a highly unusual series of 7 squares -- 7 symbolizing an initiation into higher consciousness. That initiation completes next year.  Now we have to deal with the 5th square-- a crossroads that will determine the outcome of this cosmic challenge.  
We have four archetypal Powers channeling the energies of the 4 directions, grounding us in the here and now, providing a foundation for a new birth. Uranus, the rebel leader who connects us to our purpose. Jupiter, the lawgiver and storyteller who inspires us to have faith in our visions and gives us a mother’s love in our hearts. Mars, the defender, the great power of desire that helps us stand steady and reach out a hand to heal and help. Pluto, dark lord of the power of time, moving us forward by killing off what needs to die in order to survive. Powerful and perilous energies that need a human heart to channel them into life.

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