Veterinary University, Bikaner
organizing three day International Symposium on
“New horizons of Camel Surgery and Large
Ruminant Surgery”
Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery from 15-17 October,
Bikaner,The Rajasthan
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner is organizing a
International Symposium on “New horizons of Camel Surgery and Large Ruminant
Surgery” and XXXVIII th Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary
Surgery under the aegis of Indian Association of Veterinary Surgery from 15-17
October, 2014.
Today on 15th
October, 2014, a three day International Symposium has started at RAJUVAS,
Bikaner organized by the Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology,
CVAS, Bikaner. Sh.Giriraj Singh, MP, Nawada (Bihar) & Former Minister of
Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Bihar was the
chief guest of the inaugural function and Prof. (Dr) Col. A.K. Gahlot,
Vice-Chancellor, Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Bikaner presided over the function. Dr. Dipak Kumar De, President ISVS, Prof.
B.K. Beniwal, Dean, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Bikaner and Dr.
Thilagar, Secretary ISVS also graces the occasion.
In this conference
about 475 delegates including 6 international delegates Dr. R.O. Ramadan,
Professor Surgery, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, Dr. Alex H Tinson,
Director of Research and Laboratories, Hilli E.T and Surgical Centre, Al Ain,
United Arab Emirates, Dr.(Ms.) Rihab Abdelgafir, Head of Deptt., Sudan University of Science and
Technology, Khartoum Sudan, Ahmed Ramadan Omer Ramadan, Al Hasa, King Faisal
University, Saudi Arabia, Dr. Kuldeep Kuhad, Hilli Embryo Transfer and Surgery
Centre Management of Scientific Centres and Presidential Camels, Department of
Presidents' Affairs, United Arab Emirates and Dr. Suhel Anwar, Head Surgery
Division, Al-Qattara Veterinary Hospital Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority United Arab Emirates, are participating.
Delegates has come from all over India like Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab,
Haryana, Uttarpradesh, Orissa, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Pondicherry,
Assam, Mizoram, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Uttrakhand, Andhrapradesh etc.
B.K. Beniwal, Dean, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Bikaner
welcomed all the dignitaries and presented the welcome address. The chief guest
of inaugural function Sh. Giriraj Singh, MP called upon the scientists to
develop techniques for improvement of the milk production like the other
developed countries.
Prof. A.K. Gahlot,
Vice-Chancellor, RAJUVAS delivered his presidential address and said that
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, CVAS, Bikaner is first in India
to start experimental surgery in live animals. RAJUVAS stands pioneer in
developing camel surgery at National and International level. The noteworthy
innovative surgical technique of camel was "Inter-dental Wiring" for
repair of mandible fractures. RAJUVAS has a special facility of operation
theatre for camels, which is a unique feature in itself. He told that RAJUVAS
is providing State of art clinical services through its well laid down clinical
complex. The design and layout of the clinical complex is farmers as well as
patients friendly. More than a year back, RAJUVAS have started providing
24-hours clinical services. Our Clinics attract 40-50 thousand cases per annum
with a beauty that almost all the species of livestock are brought here for
treatment, although, we have started outdoor for pet animals also. On most of
the days, we can see camels as patients in the numbers often reaching to double
digit and that’s why, this is also popularly known as “Camel Clinic”.
During inaugural
function of the conference, M.R. Patel field veterinarian award was given to
Dr. Sanjay J. Gayakwad. The young surgeon award was given to Dr. Brihaspati
Bharati. The best paper award were given to Malik Aby Rafee, Parminder Kour,
Dr. Sudeesh S. nair, M. G. Thorat, S. Kathivel, Madhu D. N., Thotta N. Ganesh,
Neelima Tiwari, Sherin B. Sarangom and S. Kathivel. Dr. Thilagar, Secretary
ISVS presented the annual report of the society and announced for the general
body meeting in the evening. During three day conference technical session on
Anesthesiology, Radiology and Imaging Techniques, Equine Surgery, Large Animal
Surgery, Small Animal Surgery, Avian Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery and Wild and
Zoo Animal Surgery. The organizing secretary Dr. T. K. Gahlot gave a vote of
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