Jaipur, The Governor of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh Shri Ram Naik has amended the current tradition of protocol in the state.
According to the orders issued by the Governor’s Secretariat today the word 'Honourable' will be used instead of the customary 'His Excellency' in the functions, organized in the state and also during the mutual conversation between the Governor and other dignitaries.
Now on such occasions, 'Mananiya Rajyapal' or 'Rajyapal Mahodaya' will be used in its place in Hindi and word ‘Honourable’ will be used instead of ‘His Excellency’ before Governor in English. According to the Indian tradition, 'Shri', 'Shrimati' or 'Sushri' will be used before the name of the Governor.Now, word 'Rajyapal Mahodaya' will be used in the official note sheets of the Governor’s Secretariat instead of ‘Mahamahim’.
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